may be an impossible task. Many students have tinges of regret over choices they've made throughout their time in university. Perhaps this is self-consolation, but there's only so much you can do to "make the most of your youth" during a time when you're also under a lot of pressure to do well in your classes and other areas of life. Not only that, but you may not even know what making the most means to you - especially among the influence of friends and social media. It's draining to try to keep up with what's going on, and difficult not to feel guilty about taking an unproductive break. This is not meant to be a pessimistic blog post by any means, in fact, the conclusion I'm trying to show is that if you've made it so far to read this then you probably are making the most of your student life. Not because reading my blog is the most fun thing you could be doing (which it is), but because it means you are trying. And hopefully, these few tips ca...